Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Rain Pt. 1 by Orion D.

I woke up to the screaming of my little sister  "It rained last night.And it's still raining."
"What? Still raining?"
"What time did it start?"
"Around Nine"
 I ran downstairs and looked out the window.
The ocean had risen.
I yelled to my sister "Get mom and dad up"
"It's a flood"

Pt. 2

My little sister came tearing down the stairs.
"What?" she asked 
"I said to wake mom and dad up."
"Because I told you to!"
"Who made you the boss of me?!"
"Just do it.Its life or death!"
I hear her shaking mom and dad. 
"Conor wants to talk to you."
I hear grumbling as my mom gets out of bed.
"What is it Conor?"
"Theres a flood"
She looks out the window then called to my dad.
"Jackson get the kids to the roof"
My dad jumped out of bed and  picked my sister up and told me to follow.I followed obediently behind him.He opened the skylight and pushed me through.Then my sister.Then he called down to mom 
"I got them in.Come on."
"I'll be right there."
My dad pulled himself out into the howling wind and wiping rain…
[To be continued…..]
My mother ran up the stairs and accepted a hand up onto the roof from my father. "Are you ok?"asked my sister Sophia? "Fine" said my mom "Ok good" said Sophia.
"Uhh HELLO.We are on the roof of the house. And Buster our dog is still inside” I said. “I’ll go get him”said my dad. “Ok but be safe” said my mom.“I’ll try” said dad. And without another word he dove into the flooded house.
15 minutes had gone by when we heard my dad scream. My mother immediately dove into the flood to get him. My sister and I screamed seeing Mom dive in after dad. After what seemed like forever our mom and dad came back. Dad pulled himself out onto the roof. I heard a splash behind my mother and saw a shape cutting through the water.It was a Water Moccasin!  And it was swimming towards my mom! “Mom!” I yelled ”there's a snake behind you!” “What?!?!?!”Asked my mother. “Behind you! Get out now!”I shrieked “Jackson help me” my mother cried.

My dad reached into the water and pulled her out. Just in time!The snake jumped up at her feet.She swung out of the way. After a couple of minutes  the snake was still there but was now joined by 10 others.They had something that they were biting.The water turned red and foamy.
“What is it?!?!”Screamed my sister. “It's only our steak that we had on the grill.”I said. Suddenly I heard the engine of a plane roaring off in the distance getting closer by the second.
I screamed in joy.We would be saved!!!!

[To be continued,again]

AmOy's looking for Breakfast - Photo by Raymond M.

Mosquito's by Raymond M.

m icroscopic monsters
o  n the run away from any moving thing
s  uck your blood
q uite annoying
nder the radar until it bites
i  rritant
t  oo many to count
o pen your hand
s wat it if you can

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Jr. Ranger Beck Fee Barsanti - Book Signing at Mitchell's Book Corner

Tuesday 6/23/15 

Beck talking to a visitor about his book.

She liked what he had to say and she bought a copy.

Jr Ranger's Orion and Raymond stopped by to encourage  Beck.  Orion bought a copy for his mom.

Friday, June 19, 2015

From The Eel Cage by Orion D.

One day when I was swimming around in my cage a shadow filled my vision. A man’s hand grabbed the top of my cage and started to pull it out of the water a couple of inches. I looked around for my last glance of the world from my cage. I saw the purple marsh crabs eating the grass. I saw the great egrets black feet wiggling around. The man was still pulling. After a little while the man stopped.
He said “we will have to come back tomorrow to get it.”
The little man said ”OK, Leonard”

I swam around in happiness. I did not have to leave. I saw the animals again but this time not for the last time….

Friday, June 12, 2015

Beck Fee Barsanti's book Watching Life Unfold

Beck Fee Barsanti

This past school year Beck chose as a final 8th grade project to write a book of poetry.  The project produced over 50 poems about Nantucket through the eyes of a young man deeply rooted in the place he calls home with all questions and concerns of a budding environmentalist. Of note and with great appreciation, Beck has graciously donated all proceeds from the sale of the book to the Field Station Jr. Ranger Program.  Books can be purchased on line at Kindle and Amazon as well as at Mitchell's Book Corner and here at the Field Station.