Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ox-Eye Daisy: Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum A report by Gigi Glover

The Ox-Eye Daisy is a perennial flower which means it has a life cycle that lasts more than two years/ two years or more. The name “Ox-Eye” was a flattering name lovingly given to Hera, the Olympian Queen of the gods in Greek mythology.  The name was later given to this pretty daisy. The first Christians dedicated this flower to Mary Magdalen, the Christian who found Jesus’ tomb empty, which is where the name “Maudlin Daisy” came from and the name “Dun Daisy” arose from the flower being connected with the god of thunder. Celtic stories said that daisies were the ghosts of children who had died while they were being born.  Other names for Ox-Eye Daisies are Daisy, Ox-Eye, White Ox-Eye, Dog Daisy, Goldens, Marguerite, Moon Daisy, Maudlin Daisy, Field Daisy, Dun Daisy, Butter Daisy, and Horse Daisy. Ox-Eye Daisy is edible and medicinal. Young spring shoots are edible, and chopped very finely and lightly sprinkled on a salad is said to be very strong and bitter. The whole plant, especially the flowers, when used as a medicinal herb are used when controlling spasms, coughing, inducing sweat, it is also used in tonic water, and in tea, soothing nerves, and used when healing. It has most of the same properties as Chamomile. This information is from http://www.naturesherbal.com/Ox_Eye_Daisy.htm.

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